This is a place for co-creation of the Guardians by members of the Partnership. If you are a member but are not yet listed as a contributor, please email and let us know.

Friday, August 05, 2005

How Jedi?

Profoundly missing the point.
Or are they? What do peace and kicking ass have in common?
Seems the point should be less about being able to kick ass and more about being able to shift into a spot wherein whatever ass kicking was about to happen becomes inexplicably more sustainable for everybody involved.

how jedi are you?
:: by lawrie malen

At the cinema level, the Lucas films certainly became almost entirely about arses and the kicking thereof. What about the ongoing life of the image, however? How many living people are working the consequences of the idea into real life in a provacative way?

Opinions? Reflections?

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